Amador County Transportation Commission- Park

This project preserved heritage Oaks and rock outcroppings as attractive open space for the area. Use of available “Transportation Enhancement” funds created a passive park (pathways, picnic benches, etc.) for patrons of the bus terminal, tourist center, apartment residents, and the public.

Park & Ride

The park and ride lot provides 44 free parking spaces for persons wishing to “carpool” or “vanpool” to work in Sacramento or other locations. Cost savings to individuals who carpool, vanpool, or ride the bus are estimated to be between $3,000 and $4,000 per year. There is parking for the Amador Transit commuter bus to Sacramento on weekdays, free and safe long term parking for persons using Amador Transit to connect with the Sacramento airport or Amtrak, and overflow parking for the SHTC Teleconference Center.

Teleconference Center

The Teleconference Center provides full audio and visual teleconferencing and enables you to stay in Amador County while you conduct meetings with agencies, organizations, or individuals outside Amador County. Our Teleconference Center works with other public or private teleconferencing facilities in the Untied States or in other parts of the world.

For more information, Click here!

Car Chargers

Sutter Hill Transit Center has two electric and hybrid vehicle car chargers. One in the Transit Center parking lot and one in the lower Park and Ride lot (Out of service until funding becomes available). There is currently no charge to the public for these car chargers. For more charging locations, Click here!

The chargers are both Model CS-40 Electric Vehicle Charging Station which is a conductive charge station that provides the electric vehicle (EV) user with a safe and manageable link between the power grid and the electric vehicle. These chargers are 250V single phase.

Walking Tour Map


The Sutter Hill Transit Center (SHTC) project is a partnership between Amador Transit (AT) and the Amador County Transportation Commission (ACTC) that was funded entirely by State and Federal grants. It is one of the first rural Transit Oriented Development (TOD) projects in the State of California. The Sutter Hill Transit Center (SHTC) is centrally located in Amador County with respect to highways, the airport, high density housing, and commerce. It provides an opportunity for people to be less reliant on their automobile. It includes four parts: Bus terminal, Park & Ride, Sutter Creek City Park, and Teleconference Center. Read more: Download walking tour map (pdf




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