Tips on catching the bus
Times listed in the schedule are time points. Use time points to determine when the bus is due. Bus drivers may not stop unless signaled by a waiting passenger. Passengers may signal the driver by following these easy instructions:
- Be sure that you stand near a bus stop sign so the driver can see you and pull off the roadway.
- Be visible by wearing light-colored clothing. During hours of darkness, signal with a flashlight.
- Drivers notice motion. As you see the bus approaching, move your arm and move it in a large arc to signal the driver to stop.
- As the bus starts to pull over, stay back and out of the way of the bus.
- If the road conditions are not suitable for the driver to stop exactly where you are, the driver may stop before or after your location.
- Please be aware of this if the bus drives by.
- Always be cautious. Your safety is our first concern!